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Meet our team, and have a browse of some of our favourite reads!
Philippine is our artistic queen, making all our beautiful windows and displays, and bringing a theatrical flair to everything she does! Ask her about books in translation for a special treat!
Over the Shop - JonArno Lawson & Qin Leng
Vango - Timothee de Fombelle
Sanchita is the owner of the bookshop and can often be found with her nose buried in the poetry section. She is also to partial to historical fiction, beautiful picture books, and a good old-fashioned fantasy. And everything else, actually. She's a lost cause.
Chaos Walking trilogy - Patrick Ness
The Book of Not Entirely Useful Advice - AF Harrold
Girl Who Stole an Elephant - Nizrana Farook
Steven Butler is an award-winning NYT-bestelling children's author - find him in the shop for your best middle-grade fantasy recs! Steven also leads our writing workshops and games clubs - come and learn from the best! You can also get signed copies of his books!
The Legend of Podkin One-Ear
Kieran Larwood
The Dog Squad -
Clara Vulliamy
Barb is our enthusiast extroardinaire, who balances her time teaching with her time with us. Ask her about The Wild Robot. Do it.
New Kid - Jerry Craft
The Suitcase -
Chris Naylor Ballesteros
Meena has been been recommending books to our customers for generations, and is always drawn to real life stories. Find her on Sundays for a chat!
Adrienne may well have read every book on the shelf! She has a keen eye for books that are about lesser-featured lives, and has developed many school libraries around emotional well-being.

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