Servas Wishlist
Children’s Community Library
Gwaffu Central Seeta Mukono, Uganda
In memory of Ewa Dzierzawska who died in June 2021.
Servas friends around the world are invited to donate a book to Prossy’s community library.
Once you have purchased a book, please select "collect from shop" at checkout stage -- we will then collect the chosen books and send them all together to Uganda.
Prossy Nampijji of Servas Uganda has set up the library whilst schools are closed for many months.
She sends a message:
Rwikira Literacy Centre is a community library located in Gwaffu Central Seeta Mukono. It was started in 2020 during the prolonged closure of schools since March 2020 due to Covid. Schools are expected to reopen in January 2022.
The main objectives are:
To introduce and build a reading culture among the children in our community.
To extend reading beyond the classroom.
To create limitless learning opportunities for children.
To give hope to children that learning can still go on even when schools are closed.
From the time it opened, the library has helped children access reading and learning materials during these times.
We serve a community of close to 500 children between the ages of 4 to 16 and we would like to reach out to more children by extending our services in the neighbouring villages.
At the library, we have special reading classes to help children acquire reading skills using the phonic method. We also have read-aloud sessions, and book clubs which also help children to read for fluency, comprehension, fun as well as build skills like self-esteem and confidence.